

For the avoidance of doubt, ARDAL notes that all the data contained herein are informational only and should not be used for legal purposes. The submitted information cannot be considered as recommendation for any investments or sales of the government securities.

ARDAL is not responsible for any claims, losses, liabilities or expenses incurred as a result of decisions of these investments based on the data published here.

Principal liabilities structure
As of 2025-02-28 EUR Average weighed costs
Issued Bonds 73 686.24 2.41 % p. a.
Issued T-Bills 0.00 0.00 % p. a.
Loans 4 045.38 1.62 % p. a.
Total 77 731.62 2.37 % p. a.
Securities State debt
Debt history Risk parameters
Last auctions and syndicates
Auction date 1 ISIN 2 Security name
2025-02-19 SK4000026845 GB 252
2025-02-17 SK4000024865 GB 250
2025-02-17 SK4000022539 GB 245
2025-02-17 SK4000024683 GB 248
2025-02-17 SK4120013400 GB 233
Security Trades
Planned auctions
Auction date 3 ISIN 2 Security name
The next planned auctions
Explanatory notes:
1)Click to Auction date to show Auction results.
2)Click to ISIN to show Terms and Conditions of the Notes.
3)Click to Auction date to show Auction conditions one week before the auction.