Planned auctions

Overview of future auctions planned within the next 30 days.

The overview includes only the auctions in which the auctioned bonds were already chosen. The decision about the bond to be auctioned in the auction is usually done in the first week of the particular month. If there is an auction scheduled within the following 30 days, but the decision about the specific bond to be auctioned has not yet been made, there will be no future auctions displayed.

The auction usually takes place on 3rd Monday of the month in line with the Calendar, taking into account the public holidays.

The overview doesn’t include securities to be sold via syndications.

If the auction conditions are not available, it means, that it has been decided which securities will be auctioned in the auction but the auction conditions have not been published yet. The auction conditions as stated in Rules of ARDAL for trades on primary and secondary market are published at least 1 day before the auction date. ARDAL tries to publish the Auction conditions 5 working days before the auction date.

The planned amount to be accepted in the auction is indicative only and subject to change.